

  • 12
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 龙岗区 龙岗街道 龙岗社区 深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道龙岗路电子商务港603
  • 姓名: 杨小姐
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    深圳代理闽台品牌原装麦肯MDT2005 DIP18 IC 质量保证

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 电子元器件 单片机
  • 发布日期:2017-07-28
  • 阅读量:231
  • 价格:1.00 元/片 起
  • 产品规格:DIP-18
  • 产品数量:900000.00 片
  • 包装说明:管装
  • 发货地址:广东深圳龙岗区龙岗街道龙岗社区  
  • 关键词:麦肯单片机,MDT2005,DIP-18,震动马达按摩器,甩脂机(腰带,甩脂机(腰带

    深圳代理闽台品牌原装麦肯MDT2005 DIP18 IC 质量保证详细内容

     主要经营范围: 方案开发、产品设计、代烧录程序、/单片机解密程序破解/程序复制/芯片克隆
    This EPROM-Based 8-bit micro-controller uses a fully static CMOS design technology combines higher speeds and smaller size with the low power and high noise immunity of CMOS.
    On chip memory system includes 0.5 K(for MDT2005) bytes of ROM, and 32 bytes of static RAM.
    ◆The followings are some of the features on the hardware and software :
    ◆Fully CMOS static design;
    ◆8-bit data bus;
    ◆On chip ROM size : 512 words;
    ◆Internal RAM size : 32 bytes(25 general purpose registers, 7 special registers);
    ◆36 single word instructions;
    ◆14-bit instructions;
    ◆2-level stacks;
    ◆Operating voltage : 2.3V ~ 6.5 V;
    ◆Operating frequency : 0 ~ 20 MHz;
    ◆Operating frequency: DC ~ 20 MHz
    ◆The most fast execution time is 200 ns under 20 MHz in all single cycle instructions except the branch instruction
    ◆Addressing modes include direct, indirect and relative addressing modes
    ◆Power-on Reset(POR), only available while PED is Disable
    ◆Power edge-detector Reset(PED)
    ◆Sleep Mode for power saving
    ◆8-bit real time clock/counter(RTCC) with 8-bit programmable prescaler
    ◆4 types of oscillator can be selected by programming option:
    --RC-Low cost RC oscillator
    --LFXT-Low frequency crystal oscillator
    --XTAL-Standard crystal oscillator
    --HFXT-High frequency crystal oscillator
    ◆4 oscillator start-up time can be selected by programming option:
    --20 ms, 40 ms, 80 ms
    ◆On-chip RC oscillator based Watchdog Timer (WDT)can be operated freely
    ◆12 I/O pins with their own independent direction control

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